Monday, November 28, 2011

Goal & 30 Day Shred

I've decided that I'd like to lose another 5 pounds by Christmas. I see this as not very likely but it averages out to about 1.25 lbs a week. I'd really be happy with losing just 3 pounds by then which would put me at 165. However, I feel like I am going to aim for the 5 pounds, I think it will be a better push than the 3 I would easily lose.

So today I have a boy with "tummy sickies." Being that I just got over a week of being sedentary while my daughter had this a few weeks ago I decided that in trying to make this goal I should get up and do something. I broke out the 30 Day Shred for the first time in probably 10 months. I grabbed my 5 pound hand weights and went at it. Now, lets go back to April 2010 when I first started this long journey. I was dying by the end of the jumping jacks at the warm up, let alone the 18 minutes to follow. I remember sweat pouring off me and thinking my legs were just going to give out if I had to do one more lunge. I did this for 30 days and lost 16 pounds. Even at the end of the 30 days I struggled with this.

It was such a wake up call as I was doing this when I realized how out of shape and miserable I used to be. Now I could do this is in my sleep! How far I have come! It was so empowering. I even followed up with a 5k walk around my subdivision while pushing the kids in the stroller.

So answer me this: in one word how does exercise make you feel?
Me? Capable. I realize that I am much more capable than I thought I was. Capable of doing more and capable of reaching my goal.

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