I'm not going to review the product itself since I did that
a while back but what I am doing to touch on is the change in the packaging over the last few months. The product is still great, I still love the Phytopia brand but one of the things I loved the most about the Phytopia brand was the high quality packaging they came in. It was beautiful and really made a product that anyone could market and made it luxurious and high end.
Before it looked like this:
Now it looks like any other marketable product you'd find on the shelf at your local Walmart. There's nothing high class about it...
For starters the packaging was impossible to open. Secondly, I had to mangle it to get it open. Thirdly, it didn't look like something I would put on stretch marks, with the zebra print design it either was a) making fun of my stretch marks, or b) geared at a teenager who is drawn towards zebra print. There was nothing elegant about buying stretch mark remover oil. Also, essential oils are to be stored in a cool, dark area which is why them coming in the other packaging make sense. The bottle of oils was store inside a bag to keep the light off and to give you a place to store the bottle at home.
Like I said, did any of this compromise the product quality? No. Does it affect the appeal based on first impression alone? Absolutely, beyond measure. We went from a high end product to a Walmart product, but its still the same great product. I'd pay more for the old packaged product than I would for the newly packaged product just based on appearance.
Phytopia, what are you doing!?
You can get this product here:
I received this product in exchange for my honest opinion. My opinions are 100% my own.