I just spent the whole morning (and a bit into the afternoon) cleaning and organizing the kids play room. I try to do this every fall. With 2 birthdays and Christmas we always seem to run out of room if nothing is done. This room hasn't really been touched since we moved at the end of April and we packed in such a hurry things were just thrown in toy boxes and boxes and some stuff hadn't even been unpacked. Unfortunately there are no shelves in the closet or even doors hung in this room, which poses quite a problem with organization. But I tried and with the little I was able to do it was a huge accomplishment. Let's see how long my hard work lasts! I'm so glad that it is done!
The next part of the house to attack is the garage. Much like the play room the garage has become our junk yard and is such a mess it's an embarrassment to even have our garage door open for the neighbors to see!